Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Teaching English as a second language in India


        This blog is a part of ELT classroom activity. my views on the following research paper are presented in this blog.
       Teaching English as a second language in India: focus on objectives written by Shivendra k.Verma.
      In this research paper S.K.Verma has given the objectives of teaching English as a second languages in India. He has also given functionally determined sub categories, first language, second language, Foreign language and Classical language.

   The global objectives of language teaching is helping children to learn a language or languages to perform a variety of functions. The most important intellectual ability is helping children to use this language efficiently in different social networks. language in a multilingual setting from a system network. Each language in this network has a function determined value contrastive to the function determined value of the other language.

         He has also given functionally determined sub- categories.
1) First language
2)second language
3) Foreign language
4)classical language.

     In this point he discusses about need of English language at the national and at the individual level.
and how it connects door with world. It is also known as "library language" as well and " link language".
   Objectives of teaching English as a second language in India:
     1) The ability to read easily, and with understanding, books in English written within a prescribed range of vocabulary and sentences structure, and to read with good understanding.
  2) The readings to proceed to a more advanced reading stage, that of reading unsimplified texts, particularly those bound up with personal studies and interest, with the help of bilingual dictionaries.
  3)The ability to understand a talk in English on a subject of general experience and interest, clearly spoken and restricted in vocabulary and sentence structure to the range of the syllabus.
4)The ability to write comprehensibly in English,and without gross errors, on a familiar topic which lends itself to expression within the range of vocabulary and sentence structure that has been taught.
5) The ability to carry on comprehensively a conversation in English on a topic fully within the range both of their experience and interests and well within the range of active command postulated by the syllabus.

                                       At the end of this research paper he said that to achieve these objectives we will have to introduce change in our syllabus, methodology of languages teaching, materials, training programmes, attitudes to learners and their language, and the system of evaluation. we may need to change the school it's physical structure, it's atmosphere, it's functions, it's facilities, it's roles and responsibilities.

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