Tuesday, 2 August 2016



        This blog is a part of ELT classroom activity. my views on the following research paper are presented in this blog.

  Bilingualism written by Agnes Lam.

     Bilingualism refresh to the phenomenon of competence and communication in two languages. A bilingual individual is someone who has the ability to communicate in two languages alternately.such an ability or psychology state in the individual has been referred to as bilinguality ( Hamers and blanc 2000).

   Bilingualism has main two type: 
   1) Individual bilingualism
   2) society bilingualism.

            A bilingualism society is one in which two languages are used for communication. In a bilingual society, it possible to have a large number of monolingual ( those who speak only one of the two language used in that society), provided that there are enough bilinguals to perform the function requiring bilingual competence in that society. There is therefore a distinction between individual bilingualism and societal bilingualism.

      Bilingualism is now directly linked with studies in contact linguistics by appel and Muysken In 1987. The bilingual individual is now recognized as ' the ultimate locus of contact' and accepted as one of the agents of language change arising from contact situation. psycholinguistics studies of bilingualism have asked questions such as:
     How do we become bilingual? How are the two languages represented in the bilingual brain? what happens in real time when a bilingual communicates?

    To answer the question of how someone become bilingual, it is useful to draw a distinction between simultaneous and successive bilingualism: simultaneous bilingualism refers to the acquisition of two languages at the same time while successive language will have been established in some way before the Lerner is exposed to the second language.

                       A term used to describe the stable use of two linguistics varieties for different domains of language use in a society paved the way for the identification of societal bilingualism, but it took a few years before the connection was made by fishman.

   The multifaceted nature of the phenomenon of bilingualism needs to be fully appreciated for any pedagogical  programme designed to foster bilingual development to succeed. To study bilingualism is to study the interaction between linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, pedagogy and the real word of language politics and policy. To be able to appreciate such interaction in changing times and adjust classroom practice in the light of changes is the hallmark of a professional language teacher.

Thank you.

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